Picture of course materials, including video, PDF worksheets and notes

Are you a late realised, high masking Autistic person who wants to mask less and connect more?

This course is for you if you want to:

  • Understand the costs and benefits of masking
  • Get clear on how you  mask in your close relationships
  • Identify ways of staying safe while connecting with others
  • Build more sustainable and fulfilling relationships


The strategies of starting small and safe rather than the often suggested grand unmasking - take me as I am or leave approach I so often see is so refreshing and sensible

Picture of phone showing slides and notes
PDF of Slides and Notes

All of the teaching from the video in written format for those who prefer to read information

Picture of training slides
Training Video

Dr Alice Nicholls explains the reasons we mask, the pros and cons of masking and explores safe ways of being less masked and connecting more with the people you are closest to.

Includes instructions on how to complete the worksheets.

Picture of Worksheet
Fillable PDF Worksheets

Easy to fill out on a device or print off. These worksheets will help you to identify ways you can mask less and connect more in your close relationships.

Example Curriculum

  February: Connection not Perfection: How unmasking can enhance our relationships
Available in days
days after you enroll

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