Picture of a black woman sitting at a table with a bowl, she is holding a spoon and gazing into the distance with a vacant expression on her face

Do you Struggle to know what you need and when you need it?

Interoception is the sense that tells us about the state of our body parts. This includes whether we are hot, cold, hungry, thirsty, tired, in pain or need the loo.

Autistic people tend to be either Over-responsive or Under-responsive to interoceptive cues, this means it is common for us to either:

  1. Don't notice when they have a basic need.
  2. Become overwhelmed by interocepive feedback, they struggle to differentiate between their needs.

Either way these unmet needs and/or overwhelm increase their stress levels and can contribute to Autistic Burnout.

This course is for you if

  • You are* (or suspect you are) Autistic
  • You struggle to identify when you are hot/cold/hungry/full/thirsty/tired/need the loo
  • You want to increase your interoceptive awareness
  • You want supportive strategies to meet your basic needs

*If you are a professional who would like to use the content with your 1:1 clients there is an option to purchase for professional use below.

picture of phone screen with slides and notes visible on it
PDF of Slides and Notes

All the training from the video in written format for people who prefer to read

Image of slide show on laptop screen
Video Lessons

Dr Alice Nicholls explains what interoception is, why it can be a problem for Autistic people and what you can do about it. Includes instructions for filling out worksheets.

Picture of fillable PDF worksheet displayed on a tablet device
Fillable PDF Worksheets

Easy to fill out on screen or print PDF worksheets help you to apply the learning to your own situation. 


  Meeting your Basic Needs: With and Without Interoception
Available in days
days after you enroll

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