image of women looking burnt out

About you

  • Have you had enough of the burnout cycle? Or maybe you never fully recovered from your last burnout?
  • Are you confused about what you need next in your recovery?
  • Are you feeling stuck?
  • Do you wish someone would understand you?
  • Do you want someone to guide you through the next stage in your recovery?
  • Would you love to meet a small group of Autistic people who can relate to you?
  • Do you find self directed courses difficult to engage with?

Autistic Burnout can feel like a trap we keep falling back into. We partially recover only to be hit by more stress and not enough opportunities for regulation. We are often aware that masking is causing us stress, but unmasking doesn't feel safe either.

Living an authentic, regulated life as an autistic person is possible but it can be hard to know where to start.  If you feel like this then please know you are not alone.

Authentic. Sustainable. Autistic.

Living life Autistically, in a way that doesn't leave you in Autistic Burnout sounds great in theory but with the pressure to make money, look after children and every day life tasks it can sound too good to be true.

My online courses and memberships contain lots of valuable information and tools about getting out of Autistic Burnout. However, some people are ready for the next step. They are ready to make their lives more nourishing, sustainable and joyful.

How would you feel about having a Step by step guide to understanding your sensory needs, masking less and letting go of shame and self-criticism? Would you like to get clear on who you are without the mask? Would you like to design a life that suits you?

Would you like to have help to decide on what to focus on and when? To meet with me and a small, supportive group of similar people to keep you on track with your progress and provide you with support and understanding?

If you are nodding your head then I have something for you. My new 12 Week coaching programme (Name TBD) , will include 12 weeks of regular, short, actionable, on demand training, fortnightly group calls, an online community, and leave you with an individualised, sustainable plan for living Authentically, Sustainably, Autistically.

About Me

My name is Dr Alice Nicholls, you can call me Alice. I've had three major periods of Autistic Burnout in my life, each lasting several years. I've also had some mini ones in-between. I'm a professional, a mother, a daughter, and I have a busy household to run. I know, first hand that even when you know what you need there is a massive gap between understanding it and actually being able to do something about it.

I have a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and I'm registered with the Health Care Professions Council in the UK. I worked in the NHS until 2017 when I left and became self-employed. Since then I have gradually refined my focus to Autistic Burnout, consuming all of the research and applying my existing knowledge of Clinical Psychology and the experiences of my clients and myself to the research evidence.

I dislike the word expert, I don't think I know everything there is to know about Autistic Burnout. I don't think anyone does, but I am committed to staying up to date with the latest research in this area and listening to wealth of experiences within the Autistic Community.

The Coaching Programme

You will receive:

12 Weeks of Bite-Sized, on demand Training Work through the tasks in your own time on your own terms. You can do 10 minutes every few days or bundle the lessons together and do an hour a week. The course materials are available in multiple formats and include space to have typed conversations about the content.

Fortnightly 90 Minute Small Group Coaching Calls with likeminded people in similar situations to yourself. Get help with anything you are getting stuck on, reflect on the training you are doing and get support from people who get it.

Price: 1,500 GBP (Payment plans available)

If you are interested in joining the Small Group Coaching Programme please join the waiting list so you can be the first to hear the launch details.

Testimonials from Previous Course Students

"I have found the Autistic Recovery Programme enlightening and helpful in making improvements to my general level of burnout"

"The programme has helped me get over the shame of having a disability, which has helped me accept the support and adjustments available from the university"

"The activities have helped me realise there are a number of small adjustments that I can make for myself that can have a positive impact on my overall levels of burnout"

"This course was instrumental in getting me out of a long period of burnout. I don't think I would be where I am today without the information Dr. Nicholls shared"

"The module on designing a life that suits you was especially interesting, and I think I'll keep returning to the awesome fillable workbook whenever I feel burnout creeping in"